Facebook's Messenger Platform Now Open For Bots

Facebook has recently unveiled bots for its Messenger app as an additional feature to the existing app. The likes of Telegram, Kik and some other social media sites have been using it on their various app.

The development of bots will be made easy through the release of the new Facebook Messenger Platform beta, which was announced today at the social network's F8 conference.

Chatbots let businesses interact with you through Facebook Messenger, offering customer support, e-commerce features, guidance, content, and interactive experiences. For example, you can order flowers just by having a 'chat' with a bot in Messenger. Or a news outlet can send you customized updates throughout the day, skipping the content you're not interested in. An airline can send you check-in and gate information, your boarding pass, and many other bits of info while you're traveling, and you can reply asking for additional stuff. The possibilities here really are endless, especially if creating bots is as easy as possible, and if they're smart enough to emulate human conversations. Judging by what Facebook promises, they definitely should be - blending AI with natural language processing and actual human help.

One current limitation of the Messenger Platform is that you can't add a credit card to Messenger and then have that be automatically used for payments to the businesses you're talking to. That could obviously come in the future, though.

Another pursuit bar that will appear in Messenger will help you discover bots. Obviously Facebook Messenger is really late to the bot party, yet that is presumably unessential on the grounds that its scope is far greater than any of its non-Facebook possessed contenders. Messaging app now has more than 900 million active clients. All things considered, it's still indistinct when the new bot usefulness will achieve each and every one of those.


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