Weird S*x Stories From Around the World


BEIJING, CHINA: After 14 years, the government of china has vowed to end a ban on allowing travelers with HIV+ into the country.

TOKYO, JAPAN: The latest s*x fetish in Harajuku, Tokyo is called Kegadoru which means "injured idol." It requires Japanese women to dress in Gothic Lolita fashion or wrap bandages over their body parts to attract men.

NOTTINGHAM, ENGLAND: A stunned high-school drama class watched while a stripper performed for a 16-year-old boy's birthday. His mother had ordered the gorilla with balloons to visit the school, but due to a scheduling mishap, the dancer, dressed as a cop, came instead.

BERLIN, GERMANY: Playboy Rolf Eden, 78, sues a 19-year-old girl for ageism after she refused to sleep with him because he was too old.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: A company offers pole-dancing classes as an exercise tool for young girls from age 7.

ROME, ITALY: An adult-ed teacher was suspended from school when it was discovered she moonlights as an Internet hard-core porn star.

SINGAPORE: Man sues a woman for more than $200,000 for giving him herpes.

MADRID, SPAIN: Two newspaper cartoonists got served with a fine of $4400 each for a cartoon depicting Spain's Crown Prince Felipe and his wife having s*x.

MOMBASA, KENYA: The tourism board and local hotel managers are considering measures to discourage the new s*x tourism: older white women picking up younger local men and offering them gifts in exchange for s*x.


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