Adulterous Wife Plan To Assassinate Her Husband Because Of Boyfriend


An adulterous wife has been nabbed by the police force after she hired an assassin to kill her husband. She requested that the assassin brutally kill him and make it look like he was killed by ISIS terrorists.

She wanted him dead so she could continue sleeping with her secret boyfriend without any fear.

28yrs old Nurten Taycur offered to pay a contract killer £5,000 to slice the throat of her husband, a Uber driver, Ercan Akan.

She asked the hitman to spray the words 'ISIS' on the roof of his car in a bid to throw police off the act - and even texted the hired killer to tell him: "I'm so excited."

She also agreed to help track her husband using the Find My iPhone app - but, unfortunately for her, she didn't know that all the time she was actually talking to an undercover police officer.

Once the police officer she hired to kill her husband gathered enough evidence, Nurten was arrested after she handing a £1,000 deposit to the 'hitman' and told him: "I don't want him to survive."

Her husband later told police he didn't think there were any problems with the marriage and added: "I still don't understand why Nurten wanted me to be killed - if she wanted to separate from me she could have done it in the normal way."

The wife came to the UK with her family as a child and later married her husband, who came from the same Kurdish village in Turkey.

They lived in Hackney and went on holiday to Turkey just weeks before the murder plot was hatched.

She first met the undercover officer named 'John' near Victoria Park in Hackney on November 13, 2015.

Prosecutor Mark Gadsden told the court: "She indicated she had a budget of £5,000. She did say she was currently involved in a relationship with another man, her boyfriend with whom she had had a relationship for two years [without her husband knowing].

The wife told the officer: "In our culture you cannot have a boyfriend... I want him to die. I want him to get out of my life."

She told 'John' not to use a gun and suggested a stabbing during a robbery while her husband was working for Uber at night.

"If you stab him in the car park... you need to guarantee me if you stab him he needs to be dead," she said.

When the officer suggested they could take his body to a farm so he could be eaten by pigs, she replied: "No I don't want that to happen... I want his body to be found so I can take him to Turkey so I can cry [for people] to see I'm very sad."

A week later the wife contacted John by phone and agreed to help track her husband by iPhone.

Then during a meeting in Hackney on December 4, 2015, she provided a passport photo of her husband and wrote the registration of his Toyota Prius on the back.

Four days later she texted the 'hitman' to confirm the murder with the words: "The order is ready."

In another text the adulterous wife added: "I'm so excited."
At a meeting on December 11, 2015, she handed over a £1,000 deposit and told the undercover officer of her plan for an 'ISIS-inspired' killing.

She said: "What I am thinking, I got this thing in my head, you know this ISIS thing that's going around, like if your friend gets a spray and writes ISIS on top of the car."

She also asked for her husband's throat to be slit during a 'graphic description' of the method of killing.

Following her arrest the remaining £4,000 was found hidden at her home.

Mr Gadsden said police then informed the husband of the plot, telling the court: "The fact that his wife was planning to have him murdered obviously came as a complete shock to him."

The wife made no comment in police interview but later pleaded guilty to soliciting to murder.

After seeing all the facts, Judge Peter Rook said the wife would be sentenced on May 13, 2016, after he heard further evidence about the background to the crime.

He told the wife: "This is a very grave offence indeed. You must prepare yourself for the consequence."


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