Newly-wed Bride Spends Wedding Night Texting; Divorce Follows

Marriage is a lifetime commitment that shouldn't be taken for a joke. We all know how important the smartphone has become in our lives and how it has been helping with our day to day activities. But this story out of Saudi Arabia is obviously a case of someone taking this too far. A new couple had just been married but instead of spending their first night together in each other's company, the opposite was the case as the new bride spent the whole night texting her friends and leaving her groom hanging.

Each time the groom tried to get closer to his new bride, he gets shunned. She claimed that all of the texts were from friends congratulating her on getting married. The groom asked if there was any way that the messages could be delayed, she angrily responded in the negative. And to make matter worse, when the husband asked her who was more important, she told him that her friends were.

Eventually, an argument ensued. The groom told his new bride that he was divorcing her, and left the hotel. The case was referred to the country's reconciliation committee to see if the parties involved would agree to withdraw the divorce petition and give the union one more chance. The husband refused and the divorce proceedings continued.

As much as we all love to use our smartphones, let this be a reminder that sometimes they are no replacement for the human touch.

Technology is really not helping the lives of some people...

Source: GulfNews via NYPost



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